Sunday, September 12, 2010

Information for the week of 9/13

I thought I would take a little time to go over some things happening in our classroom. To begin with, the fifth grade decided to have students switch classes for science and social studies. Our class will go to Ms. Macomber for science one week, and then will stay with me for social studies the next week. This allows us to specialize a little more and make sure that we are able to get enough time in each area.

In math, we are continuing our work with division. A lot of the students still do not have their multiplication facts mastered, which makes division incredibly difficult. Please work with your student at home to make sure that they know all of their multiplication facts. We spend a few minutes on this each day, but if they do not know their facts they will need additional support.

We are using our writing time to try to develop five paragraph essays. The students are learning how to use a main idea, three details, and a conclusion to make an understandable essay. We will continue to work on this throughout the year.

Finally, in reading this week we are studying tall tales. We will learn about Paul Bunyan, John Henry, and other tall tales. If you know of any tall tales, share them at home to enrich your child's learning experience!

If you have any questions, or need anything at all, please feel free to email me and I will get back to you promptly. We will continue working to make sure that the students learn everything they need to this year.

New blog for the classroom

In order to try to help communication between myself and the parents, I decided to set up a blog so I could communicate weekly and you would have a way to communicate back easily. If you have anything you need, please leave a comment here or send me an email and I will get back to you soon!